Saturday 12 March 2011

And they call it Puppy LOVE!

This is my First every blog and I want to start but tell the little story of my... well, romantic times...
I lived in India in a little town, where my best friend was my neighbor, he and I were inseparable. We meet at the age of 5 ever since then it's been me and him. Everyday we would play with our other friends, we stayed out late just messing about. He would come to my house to watch TV or I would go to his. Every night when it was Bed time we would go home until we had said goodnight to each other.

There was a day, when it was just me and him at home... we were sat on the bed watching TV, then he slowly slip his hand towards my hand and said "want to play a game" and I said "yeah" so he pushed me down, now I was led on my bed and then led over me. I wasn't quiet sure where this was going (we were only 7 years old then) both of his hands were on top of mine squeezing them hard and then his face got closer and closer to mine... now it was so close that our noses were touching and then he whispered "lets make our chins touch without letting our lips touch" At that time I was thinking 'oooo nooo, I don't want my first kiss now'... then he leaned back and said "that was fun... your turn" so now we switched... I was on the top. When I was on top he held on to my hips so I wouldn't fall. we touched out chins and our noses, but this time our lips brushed pass each other, which sent shivers down my spin. I just leaned my head back a little and he said "you lost" I leaned back and sat up and replied "that's because you pushed your head forward" this lead into an argument which he kept smiling about, then we both just laughed it of and carried on watching TV. I was gutted I didn't get to kiss him.

I can't believe how well I remember that moment it was 10 years ago. That was my first every time being close to him and feeling more then friends. But I don't know If he felt the same or was it just a game for him. More to come...